Friday, July 10, 2015

Interview: Author Sabrina Archer

There are a ton of good books out today!  Many books are advertised on television, turned into television shows or even turned into movies and there is nothing wrong with that; in fact kudos to those authors!  However, what about the Indie Authors we know and love.  Have we forgotten about them?  Have we forgotten what it is like for them to write books for us and still manage their lives, jobs, families, and households?  I have a special author I would LOVE for you all to try! 

Who is this author?  Her name is:
Sabrina Archer

Moonlight Lost: Moonlight Series Book one
Jayde is just a normal girl who is about to embark on her senior year of high school and all the things that come with it. She dreams about prom, school dances, and spending time with her best friend Scarlet. 

All those dreams change when her father abruptly passes away, and her mother unexpectedly uproots her life in Salem to return to their southern roots. But once there a series of events are unleashed, and Jayde discovers an extremely powerful witch is hunting her to usurp her power, a power Jayde didn't even know she possessed. 

Then Bentley enters the picture, sweet, handsome, drop dead gorgeous Bentley, a witch who can easily recount the centuries he has lived and Jayde begins falling in love, a love that is deep and reflective, that touches her very soul with a connection Jayde has never felt with anyone. She must learn to control her heart, her emotions, and the love that she feels while mastering her newfound powers. 

Can Jayde embrace the witch she was meant to be and master the power sleeping inside her to protect not only the mortal world but also the immortal world from the one who desires to destroy it?


Moonlight Fade: A Paranormal Young Adult Romance
With all darkness there is light.
Sometimes you have to look really deep within yourself to see it because if you don't....the darkness will consume you.

Scarlet Coxs world has been turned upside down.

Her best friends birth mother has taken away everything from her and in a chaotic turn of events she meets someone she has seen in her vision. This man with his bright hazel eyes and dark auburn hair turns out to be much more than she anticipated.
The darkness in her soul grows stronger with each passing day. With Madeline and Ravens help her curse is broken, but not entirely. The darkness lingers....

With a blooming romance and a fear of what she has seen, Scarlet must make the ultimate decision before the darkness becomes all consuming.

Can she stay and risk becoming the weak link or must she go to ensure the survival of those she now calls family?


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